
Breaking up with AI

Breaking up with AI

It took us too long to realize how strongly the community feels about the use of AI generated imagery and, more importantly, the reasons behind those feelings.

Sqyre has always been about building community, and we want to avoid anything that jeopardizes that goal. On top of that, we care about and want to support artists.

At first we were hoping to partner with an artist to update Sqyre’s visuals, but finding the right person was taking longer than we’d have liked.

So, last week, we removed all AI assets from Sqyre.

We want to thank all of you for your feedback and the open dialog that helped us arrive at a better understanding. We’re committed to using only real art—licensed or from the public domain, but created by humans either way—from here on out. And to building an amazing platform for VTT gamers. We hope you’ll join us.

– Joe

P.S. we’re still on the lookout for an artist to help us level up some of our images, especially the homepage hero. We’d like to license something that suits our visual style, and also ideally help to drive traffic to someone’s Patreon, Instagra, Cara, or whatever. If you or someone you know someone might be interested, drop us a line on Discord.