
Game Detail revamp

Game Detail revamp

Hey Everyone,

We wanted to give you a heads up about some improvements we’ve made to the Sqyre game detail page. We’ve been working hard on refining the layout and design to make it more user-friendly, and we’re excited to share our progress with you.

Here’s what you’ll see:

  • The server stop/start feature has been updated to a simpler toggle and button format. This should make it easier for players to navigate to Foundry VTT. Also, players have the option to start a game outside of a session, so they can make updates to character sheets or journals.
  • Game management has been consolidated into a single space, making it more convenient to update details, manage players, and clean up your game library.
  • We’ve made some improvements to player management, including clearer display of player information and status, as well as easier player additions and removals.
  • While messaging remains largely unchanged, there’s a fun dicer roller easter egg. Hopefully the RNG is kinder to you than the Foundry one is to my players.
  • Paid subscribers now have access to audio conferencing directly from the game detail page, with visual indicators to show who’s on audio. GMs can also share their own audio—a feature I’m particularly excited about since I think sound is an important part of a game and I use a lot of playlists and soundboards outside of Foundry.

We’ve said from the start that our goal is to make Sqyre the multitool of VTT gaming, and these updates are part of our plans to simplify your gaming experience whether you’re here for free Foundry VTT hosting or supporting us with a subscription. By integrating Sqyre audio, we’re reducing our need for Teams and Zoom. And there’s more to come—we’re working on enhancing messaging to offer real-time communication, notifications, and direct messaging, which we’re planning to use in place of Slack or Discord for our own games.

The Sqyre roadmap includes more future features for the game detail page, like scheduling functionality to help coordinate session planning.

Are we missing anything or is there something you want to see? Join the conversation, share your feedback and thoughts, and help us shape the future of Sqyre by hitting us up on Discord.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Lauguz & The Sqyre Team

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